
Sunday, January 23, 2011

When's the Date?

The answer is; TBA

Ant has finally managed to make a booking with the Event Co-ordinator at Novotel Convention Centre!

The ever elusive woman returned his phone call today after he twice tried to get in touch with her in the week gone.  An appointment has been set for Tuesday 10am.  We can finally discuss pricing and possible dates!  Not to mention see the venue because I have never been.

The ball is truly rolling because his Priest is also going to ring the priest at Sacred Heart Cathedral's to set up an appointment for Ant's family to see him.

And he's also been told who will head our pre-marital counseling so his mum will be contacting them to find out the requirements because it's a bit hard for me to fly in if there will be many sessions at different times etc.

So it sounds like I've done nothing right?  Wrong!  I have been dutifully dress shopping, as much as I hate it.

Especially when the saleswoman insists on being IN the changing room to help you in and out of the dresses while you are practically naked.  But luckily this was only at one place.  And my underwear didn't have holes, whew!

I made Lyn stay in the change room to help me at the second bridal shop, so the saleslady had to satisfy herself with waiting outside the curtains.  Ha!

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