
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sick Day

I'm home sick today.

Rather proud of myself because this is the first sickie I've had since returning to work after Christmas hols his year.  Compared to when I started in 2010; I pulled soooo many sickies then!

Not that I'm relaxing at home.  Ok I am, but I'm still logging in to my work computer via remote access to check and respond to emails.

Sometimes I like to stand at the window and watch the kids playing at the Special School across the road.  But May says it screams 'pedophile' so instead I peep discreetly through my window blinds.  Because that doesn't look as bad.

Anyway I've finally figured out how to use my new phone in terms of downloading the CD driver and being able to upload photo's to my computer!

These photo's were all taken an my new Samsung Galaxy Ace.  It's not the best image quality.  Oh wait, maybe that's because I changed the quality from superfine to fine.  That's something I need to test again later.

Honey is yum.

One night I was watching SBS and it so happened to be about a woman who loved honey so much she used it in the act.  Her poor sheets!!

And all that honey would just make you sick anyway, wouldn't it?

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