
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wishing Well

Great news - Ant's parents have come around and confirmed we can ask for moolah for our wedding presents.

I'm quite intrigued as to what changed Mr Yam's mind for him to react from 'Don't be a smart ass' to 'Yeah, ok'.

So right now I'm looking up cute poems for our 'wishing well'.  Ideally it'll clearly mention we already have 'things' so 'thank you but no thank you' to your toaster.'

There are lots of great poems out there I've already found so that part is easy.

I also need to find a wishing well, as per Mrs Yam's request.  She wants a paper one.  I don't have a clue as to what she's talking about because I can't see how paper will hold over 200 envelopes and not rip.

Hmm, I wonder if this means we will need to provide lai see packets with our invitation.

I've seen bird cages which act as wishing wells but I'm not about to put a cage in my suitcase to take to Fiji!

Back to Google!

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