
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

From PR to SS

This will be a non-wedding related post.

Today was an exciting day at work.

After two weeks of stressful waiting and two difficult interviews, I have been selected as the Student Support Team Leader!!

It's a career direction that I never thought I would take but I'm glad that my Area Manager and GM felt confident in my abilities enough to give me the opportunity over the many external applicants who actually have experience.
Though I've only worked there for 10months, Management has really taken notice of the hard work I put in.  So it goes to show that it does pay off!

And unfortunately I didn't buy a ticket on the tram home and got busted by inspectors.  Sucky ending to a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the promotion and you never learn re not buying a ticket!!
