
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011

2012 will be upon us in about 40minutes.

As I sit and frantically try to throw in one more post before the new year, Ant is giggling like a lunatic while watching Jackass.  Because he's immature like that.

We are spending new year's eve in; we both decided we would rather stay home with a pizza and hang out with the newest member of our family, Cherry B.

Cherry B is a gorgeous fawn pug x cavalier and we purchased her today at the Vic Market pet shop.  She is 9 months.  We also racked up about $400 worth of pet necessities such as a bed, shampoo, chew toys, food etc.  (Later I realized the Reject Shop stock the same things at a fraction of the price - damn the sales girl for being so efficient and literally throwing products into our basket.  Talk about taking advantage of our 'I own a puppy' happy bubble!

Technically her name is Genki (like Yankee) - courtesy of Ant.  I much prefer Cherry B as in Cherry Blossom.  My bro says peepee because she tinkles a lot of course!

She wore herself out by tearing around like mad in the front yard this arvo.  Puppy kept everyone entertained and Oy and Paul came to visit her too!

Poor white chicken is terrified of her which is unfortunate, but we'll try to change that by making sure they spend a lot of time together.  Until puppy is toilet trained, she will stay in the laundry while white chicken rules the kitchen.

Goodbye to a big 2011.  I'll always remember it for being the year that;

I got married in Fiji
An amazing overseas honeymoon in Hong Kong and Singapore

Ant finally moving to Melbourne

  • My gorgeous Flitter passing

Christmas-day hail storms

And getting a puppy!
Happy 2012!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Tribute to Flitter

October 2008 - December 24th, 2011

My gorgeous girl was admitted to Lort Smith Animal Hospital for her hernia on the 23rd.  The surgery was a success but poor Flitter had trouble breathing and had to be put into a special incubator with oxygen being pumped in.

Her surgery was meant to be routine and We hoped she could come home but the next day, the 24th, the vet rang to say Flitter started spasm-ing and they tried to stabilize her but couldn't so the decision was easy for them to put her down.

Hernia's seem to happen often with poultry; my online research tells me a chicken is either born with it or develops a hernia when they first start to lay.  Flitter has always laid big eggs so I suspect that is the reason.  

I always thought I would have her for years and years.

Read about how I got Flitter in my old posts here

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Night Market Wednesdays

And true to our Wednesday tradition, today And and I will be going to the Night Market after work.

We go because
  1. It's conveniently close
  2. Parking is cheap ($2 per hour or $10 whole day)
  3. Plentiful food stalls mean I don't need to cook
  4. Early dinner = we can go running/ walking afterwards
Our aim is to sample every type of food sold.  With Night Market running every Wednesday night until February, it should be an easy task.

If I back-date, these are the foods we've tried so far;

23rd November - Spanish Gozleme and Dutch poffertjes

30th November - Spanish seafood paella

7th December - Nepalese Chicken Sekuwa

- Chicken, Cheese, Mushroom and white wine sauce crepe
14th December - Korean tornado potato sticks
I wonder what we'll have today?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Happy Birthday to me

It's that time of year again!!

A work tradition in my department is that we all put in a gold coin donation to buy a cake.  [The cake is pre-requested].  The birthday boy/ girl is obligated to pretend they are unaware this is happening and then act all surprised when they are presented with the cake and a chorus of 'happy birthday to you...'.

One of the advertising campaigns of a major bank says, "We don't pretend it's our xth birthday five times in a row"  How apt!


Because deep down, we really do want a big fuss don't we?


This is how work celebrates for me;

This is what my some of my crazier friends have said.  Emphasis on the crazy;

This is what it looks like on the husband-front


Better than this right?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Beep Beep

And as the title of the post suggests....we have bought a car!!

Ok technically we have only put down a $200 deposit to secure it, but it is pretty much ours as of tomorrow evening potentially.

The sale is directly with the owner via car sales who unfortunatly lives 1 hour away from the city on public transport.  Poor Ant had to trek his way to Burnside on the bus and walk 7 minutes before getting to the house.

Being a girly girl, my decision on which car I liked was mainly based on the colour.  It drove Ant nuts, so he set about educating me on the different types of cars, the different brands and the stupid engines.

So I can say this and know what I'm talking about now - We've bought a Holden Captiva.  It's a 5 door diesel SUV.  And most importantly, is a gorgeous dark blue. 

Pick up is tomorrow after work.  We'll have to endure a 1 hour bus ride to get there, but we shall be driving back home in our brand new car which I own 1/4 of.



Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Living Together

It has been quite full on these last two weeks. The ‘Ant Invasion’ began the day after he arrived – I got home after work on Monday 21st to four large Williams & Gosling air freighted boxes full of his crap things.

Luckily my closet space remains mine; otherwise a tantrum would be in order!

He also bought new computer parts to build a fancy new computer. It sits in its glory in my room, on the built-in-desk.

In a desperate attempt to get away from the click click click of his mouse and tap tap tap of his keyboard, I have started sleeping in the spare room. Being a well kept man of leisure, he can be on his computer until whatever hour he chooses. The sounds drive me nuts because I need almost-absolute silence when I’m trying to fall asleep.

At first I absolutely resented being chased out of my own room, my own bed with my own sheets. But I’m quickly learning to love having the whole bed to myself again!

(We tried making him a house-husband but he is useless cannot do housework. I had to re-wash the clothes he machine-washed and re-hang the clothes he put out to dry).

