
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Living Together

It has been quite full on these last two weeks. The ‘Ant Invasion’ began the day after he arrived – I got home after work on Monday 21st to four large Williams & Gosling air freighted boxes full of his crap things.

Luckily my closet space remains mine; otherwise a tantrum would be in order!

He also bought new computer parts to build a fancy new computer. It sits in its glory in my room, on the built-in-desk.

In a desperate attempt to get away from the click click click of his mouse and tap tap tap of his keyboard, I have started sleeping in the spare room. Being a well kept man of leisure, he can be on his computer until whatever hour he chooses. The sounds drive me nuts because I need almost-absolute silence when I’m trying to fall asleep.

At first I absolutely resented being chased out of my own room, my own bed with my own sheets. But I’m quickly learning to love having the whole bed to myself again!

(We tried making him a house-husband but he is useless cannot do housework. I had to re-wash the clothes he machine-washed and re-hang the clothes he put out to dry).



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